the no vacancy sign

Published on 2 March 2025 at 18:17


sturdy is the no vacancy sign.

so called lovers outstayed their welcome

the damage left behind cut deep with scars that linger

neon words now reflect the construction underway

the doors remain locked and the shades stay drawn


but everything shifts when the traveler arrives

he's from afar and came alone

promises are made that he's here to stay

dust stirs as the wounded doors are opened

shattered glass scattered from past betrayals


the traveler doesn't seem to mind the imperfections

he swears to mend what has been broken- piece by piece

without hesitation, the traveler unpacks his bags

the distant roads no longer call for his miles


the no vacancy sign still stands tall and bold

but this time, it signifies something new

the traveler has claimed this shelter as his home

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